A short about a short.

In this post I thought I show two short films I have come across, a short film is any motion picture that is shorter than 40 minutes that also includes credits.  I chose these two to sort of compare and contrast different styles and direction the directors went when making their films.


 Knife Point is the longer of the two, it is almost 30 minutes long.  This short is directed by Carlo Mirabella-Davis .There are only 5 cast members and using just a HVX film camera with a Brevis adapter.  The film is focused on a Evangelical Christian family that picks up a knives salesman in upstate New York.


The second film Cargo is only 7 minutes long, with no dialogue and the main focus in almost the entire film was of 2 people. The film is directed by  Ben Howling and Yolanda Ramke (who also has a small role in the film) and is based in Australia. The film is about a father’s determination to get his daughter to safety after he is bitten by a zombie. This film was shot using a Red oneMX camera.

Both of these films have a keen eye on what makes a person human.  I don’t think either of these films would have that much impact if it wasn’t for the great equipment and cameras they were using.

“Postcard from 1952”

I thought this week I would focus on cinematography. Cinematography is important in any type of video, whether it be a motion picture or musics videos.

This visually stunning short film was directed by Peter Simonite and Annie Gunn using two Red Epics at 300 fps (frames per second).  The song in the video was made Explosions in the sky.

I get particularly excited about this short film because of the camera they use, the Red Epics are the elite of photography/cinematography. The quality is phenomenal.